Obvious homage lets your pet dress up like a members of the anime’s cast other than its mentor cats.
cute (Page 64)
Couple uses NOSTALGIA ATTACK! And with personalised features and 8-bit graphics, it’s a CRITICAL HIT!!
Plus, can’t decide between Pikachu and Eevee? Adorable combo plate means you don’t have to.
What do you get when you combine a beloved celebrity with a beloved Pokémon? Adoring fans of both!
Kitty freaks out the Internet by appearing to speak, possibly perform black magic.
It’s hard to make Pikachu look anything less than adorable, but Mister Donut has found a way…several ways, in fact.
We taste the new Pokémon doughnuts and get our hands on some exclusive merchandise before the official release.
With any luck, we might be able to see this awesome autonomous public transport quite soon.
The audience is asked to refrain from talking during the movie, but purring is totally OK.
This cute pet rodent has a whale of a time with a simple floor chair, and we do too just from watching it!
The cozy photos of a fun day spent with a Moomin friend had everyone online clamoring for a visit, too!
Never would we have thought that characters designed by AI programs jumped from rudimentary to ultra-advanced in the space of three years.