Unique and possibly creepy earrings by Taiwanese designers will make you look twice!

Wait, are those beetles on your ears? 

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Japanese toddler covers self in mom’s makeup, apologizes in cutest way imaginable【Video】

No amount of Nivea cream can cover up the high levels of adorableness here.

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24-hour gyoza restaurant in Tokyo’s Kabukicho is full of garlic and meat, has a lot of heart too

There’re a lot of reasons to want to visit Shinjuku Kakekomi Gyoza, but their importance goes even beyond the vast range of savory dumplings.

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Coca Cola Japan releases new flavour to combat the winter cold

A spinning reel of enticing flavour possibilities was used to introduce the new star ingredient.

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New picture book for the cat fanatic that loves furry balls

We kid you not, this book has the stones to feature a very specific part of a male cat’s anatomy.

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Director of anime Your Name responds to criticisms about the hit film

Believe it or not, some people don’t like Makoto Shinkai’s newest anime, and one comment in particular has him feeling angry.

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Young Thomas seems to be pulling a cargo of fashionable nightmares.

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Japanese boy’s sneeze blows “meerkat” off ledge【Video】

This boy’s sneezing is a lot more powerful than his animal species recognition.

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Japan’s Prime Minister has team of gloved officials that operates as his personal turn signal【Vid】

Here’s how the Prime Minister of Japan going for a drive is different from when you or I do it.

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Manga artist Kentaro Yabuki proves his godly skills with improvised drawings at comic exposition

A manga artist with a talent for sketching famous manga characters on the fly impresses backstage at this year’s Jump Festa.

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7-Eleven convenience stores in South Korea offer an electrifying new Pokémon item!

Pokémon lovers rejoice! There’s now a whole new way to celebrate your fandom with these Pikachu-themed lunch boxes now on sale in South Korea!

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One taste of toasted egg mushipan bread and you’ll never go back to eating it the normal way!

We take Japan’s simple pleasure of a steamed cake and push it to a whole new level of deliciousness.

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Japanese Twitter user spends eight years stacking toilet paper cores, completes entire wall

“It looks like a beehive!”

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Japanese Twitter goes ga-ga over artist showing off how to easily draw the perfect pair of legs

Just four steps to be able to step around in some well-drawn legs.

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Five anime scenarios Japanese fans are sick of seeing【Survey】

Some would call these anime’s proudest traditions, but not the respondents of a poll who’re craving something different.

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Cute kitty completely “mistified” by vapor released from humidifier【Video】

That kitty face is enough to melt anyone’s heart.

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Japanese kid says shadows move because the earth rotates, teacher tells him he’s incorrect

Third-grader who’s too smart for his own good gets science test question wrong for very dumb reason.

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40 percent of Japanese women in survey say they’d be OK with a “Christmas Eve-only” boyfriend

’Tis the season for potentially very short romantic relationships.

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Japanese cook shocks Internet with yolkless egg discovery

There’s no computer generated imagery here – just a case of fart egg.

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”Working like a dog” has never looked so adorable as it does with this Shiba Inu.

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