
Japanese pasta dish ranked 24th worst food in the world, but does it deserve that dishonor?

List shows no love for the pasta dish that’s loved by many in Japan.

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Mr. Sato experiences the all-you-can-eat bread heaven…at Kamakura Pasta

Why skimp on carbs when you can instead go all out and eat double the carbs?

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There’s a Japanese-style spaghetti chain Mr. Sato’s been skipping for years, but that ends today

After spending decades without ever eating at Goemon, our ace reporter is finally giving the fusion chain a shot.

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Quality-spaghetti making robot starts working in Tokyo at the end of the month【Video】

The future of spaghetti is here.

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One minute is all you need to make this popular instant noodle meal from Okayama【SoraKitchen】

Part spaghetti, part Asian noodle, all deliciousness…you’ll want to get your hands on some…if you can find them!

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We try Brozer’s ridiculous Tomato Spaghetti Burger because we love carbs and can’t help ourselves

And as expected, it was really good!

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We try to eat almost 9 pounds of food at a Nagoya spaghetti shop, succumb to the power of carbs

How much rice and pasta is too much rice and pasta?

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Tokyo’s craziest pasta: Our custom-made spaghetti with all the toppings we can get for 10,000 yen

We looked at this Shibuya restaurant’s 2.3-kilogram (5.1-pound) spaghetti serving and said, “Naw, that’s not enough.”

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We devour a three-kilogram spaghetti and meatballs obento lunchbox

The boxed feast lets you recreate a famous scene from a Hayao Miyazaki anime movie.

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Craving ramen, but can’t find decent noodles? Transform your spaghetti with this pasta hack!

For those living outside Japan, a good bowl of ramen is almost impossible to find unless you’re in a big city like New York or London, and even then the options can be a bit of a let-down. And for many, the only ramen available is the dried variety that frankly has made some of our Japanese culinary experts gag.

But all is not lost, dear ramen lovers around the world. We’ve found a kitchen hack to turn ordinary everyday pasta into noodles fit for a delicious bowl of homemade ramen.

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Love curry? Why not wear it around your neck? Plastic food neckpieces get netizens talking

Japan sure loves its plastic replica food. It’s a handy way for restaurants to demonstrate the dishes on offer, and it’s an absolute godsend for tourists who don’t read Japanese. Instead of grappling with menus written in complicated characters, they can simply point at the tasty plastic versions. In recent years, however, plastic food has found its way toward decorating all sorts of objects, from phone cases to accessories. We think that things might have gotten a bit out of hand, however, because now you can apparently wear a serving of plastic food around your neck. Join us after the jump to see the whole range!

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Third time’s the charm – Lotteria’s noodle burger series strikes again

We don’t know why people always make the same mistakes, and history always repeats itself. In this case we are talking about Lotteria, one of Japan’s largest fast food chains. In the past, it had once made the mistake of selling a ramen burger that sandwiched droopy ramen between buns. It wasn’t well received. And then they brought to us a tsukemen burger, which also didn’t do well. We thought they’d have learned their lesson, but no! Much to our dismay, starting on September 8, they started selling a neapolitan spaghetti burger. We’re not quite sure why they are so insistent on putting noodles between buns, but we do know that the new noodle burgers aren’t impressing diners in Japan.

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Be careful how you talk about “spaghetti” in Japanese — you may sound unhip

Although Italian in origin, the words pasta and spaghetti are now everyday words in English. Thanks to the foods’ proliferation around the world these words can also be found in Japanese, pronounced pasuta and supagettī respectively.

But in recent years, it seems as if the word “spaghetti” has been falling out of favor in Japan, being replaced by the word “pasta.” Although in English the distinction between “spaghetti” and “pasta” is pretty clear (pasta being the foodstuff, spaghetti one of its many varieties), it seems there is a whole other world of nuances when the words cross over into Japanese.

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The 6 best frozen foods at a Japanese grocery store

Have you taken a look in your freezer lately? Has that carton of ice cream from last summer grown into an ice fortress yet? What about that mean-looking freezer burn on that mystery meat? Maybe it is time to clean out the chiller and fill it up with some surprisingly yummy frozen foods from your local Japanese grocery store.

While this is far from world-class gourmet dining, the following six foods will definitely make your stomach happy on a night when pushing the microwave’s “start” button is all the cooking you want to do. Click below to find out which Japanese frozen foods are worth your hard-earned yen!

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Boiling Spaghetti with Salt Shown to Do No Good for It

I freaking knew it!

Spaghetti and other pasta recipes have repeatedly asked us to “boil with salt” – a rule that has always baffled me. Once, early on in my cooking life, I decided to be a good boy and add the salt as requested only to find that it didn’t make a lick of difference to the end result. I haven’t looked back since.

In an interview with website, President Online, Tokyo Kasei University Graduate School of Home Economics, Keiko Nagao, puts this myth of boiling with salt to rest once and for all, thus saving us from a needless cooking step. Read More

We Try a “One-Piece Chicken McDo With McSpaghetti” at McDonald’s in the Philippines

In our continuing endeavor to visit McDonald’s restaurants around the world we sample the unique regional offerings the international chain creates to appease the locals and delight tourists.

This time RocketNews24 sent a reporter to a McDonald’s in the Philippines to sample one of their localized combos centered by a heap of McSpaghetti. The following is their report.

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