Constantly scowling penguin is incapable of service with a smile, but he looks adorably delicious anyway.
restaurants (Page 44)
With a beer in our left hand a shelf full of manga within reach of our right, we’re not sure why we should ever leave.
The unusually-named restaurant battles against the robots of Kabukicho with spooky spirits and staff that look like creepy androids.
The Nintendo character with the endless appetite is offering a full range of adorable edibles and exclusive merch.
This Ikebukuro izakaya just gave us an 8,000-yen discount, and they’ll happily do the same for you.
First-ever KitKat-cocktail pairings are part of a range of special offerings to celebrate the new alcoholic chocolates ahead of their nationwide release.
Although in the cars’ defense I never really knew what that logo was supposed to be either.
Does this washed cheese burger smell as bad as advertised, and if so, what does it taste like?
Shadowy ghost and poison-types get their moment in the sun, and of course there’s a new Pikachu item too!
“A little” shanking is requested, but that’s not the only weird thing about the baffling bits of Japanese flavor text.
Schlansky imparted his Japanese knowledge on the talk show host, but ended up committing some faux pas of his own.
Chamber of Raven would be a cool video game stage, but instead it’s an amazing real-world restaurant.
Intended penalty for bad manners backfires, prompts pub to make drastic change to its beer pricing policy.
Guidebooks love to say it’s because Japanese people think tipping is rude, but that’s not even close to the whole story.
Mr. Sato once again fails to secure a cheap meal, continues to win at lunch thanks to two gourmet ingredients.
Who needs tongs when you’ve got five perfectly-good, easily-burned fingers right there?
More variety than we’d hoped for at far less than we’d ever expect to pay make this a great place to try types of sushi you’ve never had before.