drinks (Page 8)
Secret dessert drink becomes a hit, but it’s only available to those who know how to order it.
Our black tea-loving reporter goes in search of a proper cup of tea at five of Japan’s most popular cafe chains.
Beer? Sake? One part of Japan has a strong fondness for both, as well as a few other alcoholic beverages.
Sakura flower petal soda, other cherry blossom treats have us ready to hurry to Japan’s Pronto cafes
Reserve Roastery will look pretty in pink, whether you’re looking at the building, your glass, or your plate.
We sampled all 11 flavors of milk tea by the popular brand so that you’ll know exactly which one to grab next for your perfect cuppa.
Multiple regional brewers and amazing taiyaki will keep you from getting too thirsty or hungry while you’re at Japan’s newest arcade.
Lack of key ingredient means sweets fans may be left singing the blues as roughly 100 branches will get no Operas.