Acclaimed anime director’s first film in 10 years drew big audiences on opening day, despite the surprising lack of promotion.
Japan (Page 143)
Our musician reporter Seiji attends the one-year anniversary concert of idol group Gilty x Gilty, who sang a song that he penned.
In the span of just 20 days, our trail cameras captured a veritable parade of visitors coming and going on the SoraHouse property.
Clever character motifs for Yuna, Sephiroth, and more that fans will spot, style anyone can appreciate.
Hayao Miyazaki’s latest movie will be in theaters soon, but one standard piece of anime merchandise won’t.
Sailor Moon Sanrio partnership adds pairings for Sailor Starlights in new crossover merch line【Pics】
14 stars each from the Sailor Moon and Sanrio worlds join forces for the ultimate cuteness.